Recent News

Nomination and Election Results

June 12, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

As I prepare to take on the role of General Secretary-Treasurer of our International Union, I am filled with deep gratitude and appreciation for the journey we have shared. Since I entered this industry in 1991, our union has been the cornerstone of my life and the foundation upon which my family has built everything we hold dear.

From my early days as a Sheet Metal Fabricator and Installer to my recent role as your President/Business Manager, each step of my career has been marked by your unwavering support and investment in me. It is because of you, the dedicated members of Local 265, that I have had the privilege to serve in various capacities, learning and growing alongside each of you. Your faith in me has not only shaped my professional life but has also provided for my family, ensuring that we have everything we need and more.

I want you all to know that my passion for our union, our members, and your families could not be greater. The union has given me a purpose and a community, and I am profoundly thankful for the opportunities it has afforded me. As I step into this new role on the international stage, I carry with me the lessons learned and the trust bestowed upon me by each of you. I am committed to continuing to champion our causes, leveraging our financial and relational assets, and embracing technology to create more opportunities for all of us.

The road ahead will undoubtedly bring new challenges, but I am confident in the bright future of Local 265. I am incredibly proud of the team stepping up to lead our local. Matt Gugala, as your new President and Business Manager, along with the full team of officers, are poised to guide us with strength and vision. I have complete confidence that they will steer Local 265 towards an even more prosperous future.

On Tuesday night, June 11, 2024, a motion was made to cast a white ballot for all uncontested races, and the officers were elected by acclamation. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our newly elected officers:

  • President/Business Manager: Matt Gugala
  • Business Representative/Financial Secretary: Kevin Galass
  • Business Representative North: Brian McSherry and Ron Mika
  • Business Representative South: Brian Dahlman and Tom Syron
  • Vice-President: Rick Ooms
  • Recording Secretary: Jay Jones
  • Executive Board: David Wille, James Gerasco, Jason McCauley, and Rick Mata
  • Trustees: Steve Czech, Leo Resendez, Keith Krygowski, and Brian Meadows (Production)
  • Warden: Arturo Alvear
  • Conductor: Nick Stewart
  • Sergeant-at-Arms: Mike Felix

I am confident that these individuals will bring dedication, skill, and a fresh perspective to their roles, and I look forward to seeing the great things they will accomplish together. Congratulations to all of you!

Thank you for the trust you have placed in me over the years. I am deeply honored to have served you, and I look forward to our continued journey together as I take on this new role. The bond we share is one of the greatest gifts of my life, and I will carry it with me always.

In solidarity,

Business Manager/President
SMART Local 265