Recent News

Retiree's Club


April 12, 2021

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of our friend, and fellow retiree, Ms. Jackie Ward.  She lived a long and successful life.  She was one of the founding members of our retiree club and she will be truly missed by all who knew her.  Our prays are with you, our friend.

Our day for the resumption of our meeting we can see down the road.  Go out and get your vaccination now so we can be ready when that Day comes.  Until that day comes, we must stay healthy. 

Time marches on though so let us  give a GIANT  LOCAL 265 HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to Brother Hank DeSandre, Brother Joe Sherfy, Brother Jeff Zinke, Brother BIG Mike Patrick, Brother Scott Meyer, Brother Mike Cochran, Brother Pat Holohan, Rick Prodehl, Brother Bob Smith, and Brother Terry Craterfield. From all of us to all you,  HAVE THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER !!!!!!!

Until next month stay healthy.

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba