Recent News

Retiree's Club


August 13, 2022

Not much to report, other than the fact that our attendance at our luncheons has really drop off. The restaurant management has changed the rules on us. So, we need to talk about it at our next meeting.  Which is on August 23rd at 11:30am. Hope to see you there. But in the meantime, let us wish a GIANT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Brother Mike Jarvis, Brother Richard (whistler) Wilson, Brother Don Strin, Brother Nate Rattin, Brother Kelvin Easter, Brother Robert Hoffert, Brother Jeff Sartori, Brother Karl Stirn, Brother Ronald Watson. Hope you have a GREAT ONE.

SEE YOU ON THE 23rd, 11:30am at Heroes West.

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba