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Retiree's Club


August 6, 2021

I know we were trying for an August lunch meeting, but after a call to Al's Steaks House I was told that the restaurant no longer opens for lunch.  So, we will have to wait till they give us the go ahead for our lunch meeting.  But for the mean time we all have received the letter from the hall regarding the August 26th meeting.  So, if you are going up for the meeting give me a call because I will be going up also.  Maybe we can ride together.  Also, let Debbie at the Union Hall know that you’re going to make it to that meeting. 

But for right now we have a GAINT HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISH OUT to Brothers Dick the (Whistler) Wilson, Brother Nate Rattin, Brother Don Sitrn, and Brother Mike Jarvis.  We hope you have a GREAT BIRTHDAY. 

Until we meet again let us leave with this thought "you have been eating  hotdogs and chicken nuggets most of your life, you don't want to take the vaccine because you don't know what is in it?”

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba