Recent News

Retiree's Club


December 10, 2020

I hope this newsletter finds you and your families healthy and happy.  Just a note, it is difficult to call this a newsletter because it has so little news, but here goes.  The American people did flush the TURD in November but now Trump must leave and go back to the sewer where he came from.

To all our birthday members in the month of December, the warmest and biggest local 265 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL!!!!!  So, to brothers, Bob Messier, Flo (butch) Galass, Jim (bud) Salisbury, John Harcharik, George Partilla, Darrella Richards and last but not least my old friend, hard hitting Joe Slivka.  We all hope you have a great Birthday.

So, until next year, I hope you have a great Christmas and a better new year (2021).  The offer still stands if you would like to submit an article just let me know.

Take care and stay healthy.

Yours Truly,