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Retiree's Club


February 14, 2022

I hope everyone is warm and healthy.  It looks like the covid numbers are heading in right direction, so hopefully we will be able to have a lunch meeting in the near future.  I would like to say the reason the newsletters and your dues receipt are late is because I had some health issues. So please don't blame it on the hall, it’s me.

We must remember that the month of February brings us Valentine Day but also the birthday of Brothers Glen (Bucky) Martin, Brother Dennis Plaskett, Brother Larry Wright, Brother Ed Davis, and my old friend Tom Wasser, Brother Bobby Kempiak, Brother Ed Eckhart, and last but not least my ooooold Friend and Brother Tom Heinz so let’s give them all a GIANT LOCAL265 HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISH TO THEM WE ALL WISH THE BEST FOR YOU.

So, until next month STAY HEALTHY!

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba