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Retiree's Club


January 12, 2021

Happy New Year Retirees:

I certainly hope that the Trumpecans are all proud of all the support that they have given their leader and take great pride in what he has done, and they have done to America. The only way they could have made the Chinese and the Russians happier is if they would have succeeded to overthrow the Government of the United States of America, but they did not succeed so we will do as we always do and that is continuing to fight on for what is right as a united union of Sheet Metal Workers.  

January has also brought not only a new year, a new president but also brought the birthdays of so many of our fellow retires so to all the birthday retires a GIANT HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to, Gene Lockwood, Ray Holohan, Mark Sutherland, Larry Shroba, Mike Fazio and Cliff Tull.  Along with looking at the future, we must look to the past and of all the union Sheet Metal workers that have come before us so with this I say "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.  Unseen, unheard but always near, so loved so missed so very dear.

Yours Truly ,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba