Recent News

Retiree's Club


Januray 8, 2024

Well, we now have the holidays behind us and now can go back to our regular schedule, which is our lunch meetings to be held on the 4th Tuesday of the of every month at 11:00 AM, in the southern office. 

So, this month’s meeting will be on the 23 of January at 11:00.
I hope to see you all there.  Please RSVP TO THE HALL (1-630-668-0110) ask for Debbie or Wendy.

But just because the holidays are behind us, doesn't mean that the celebration is over, for in the month of January we have the BIRTHDAYS OF SOME OF OUR MEMBERS.  So, let’s give a GIANT HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISH TO, Brother Mike Fazio, Brother Chuck Watson, Brother Ray Holohan, Brother Mark Southerland,

Brother Doug Spires, and my old friend Brother Cliff Tull. 

From local 265 and all of the retirees, we send the best BIRTHDAY WISHES TO YOU.

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez