Recent News

Retiree's Club


June 1, 2021

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Brother Steve Michalak.  Steve was one of the founding members in 1988 of local 265's Retirees club.  I Have known Steve for about 45 years, he was the type of man that always had a kind word for everybody.  He was always so proud of his Union membership in local 50 and local 265.  The time I spent with Steve and the conversations that I would have with him; I would say to myself that was time well spent.  I would come away a better person.  Steve will be missed by all of us in the Family of Union Sheet Metal Workers and by his friends and loved ones.  Rest my friend for your spirt lives on.                 

And now for our next luncheon, by now most of us have been vaccinated, so let us shoot for the fourth Tuesday in July a t AL' s Steak in Joliet.  That would be the 27th of July at 11:00.  Unless something goes haywire, that will be our next lunch meeting.  That will be a very important meeting, we all need to be there to discuss the future of the club.                     

The month of June will bring us so much to look forward to, but first is to WISH A GIANT HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Brothers Bill Woods, Brother Steve Caise, Brother Glenn Volling, and Brother Joe Ferrari.  So, guys FROM ALL OF US TO YOU HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY.                      

So, until next month’s newsletter, let me leave you with these words "Covid is no joke. One former patient was so brain damaged afterwards he thought he won an election he LOST BY 7 MILLION VOTES."

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba