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Retiree's Club


March 7, 2022

A lot has happened since last month.  The Russians have attacked the people of Ukraine and the leader of the Republican Party here in America has chosen to call Putin a genius as Putin kills woman and children.  But what should we expect from the man who wanted to be the dictator in this country?  Who knows how this will turn out? 

And now for a happier note let us wish A GIANT LOCAL 265 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Brother Jack Lucaora, Brother Billy Pool, Brother Allen Boedorn, Brother Dave Austin, Brother Tom Newcomb, and last but not least, my young friend and Brother Pat Conway, we all hope you have the best of Birthday's you guys.

Hopefully we can get back to our luncheons in April, if everything goes in the right direction.  Let us shoot for April at Heroes & Legends in Joliet.  I will have a map in our next newsletter.  Until then Let’s hope for the best.

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba