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Retiree's Club


March 8, 2021

I hope this letter finds everyone in good health, we need to get our COVID-19 19 shot and the 2nd shot so we can return to normal.   As of right now we are shooting for maybe our first meeting in 2021 to start in May.   But let us get our shots and see how it is going then.  So, for now let us WISH A GIANT LOCAL 265 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Brothers, Bill Poole, Terry Jennings, Dave Austin, Jack Lucaora, Allan Bloedorn, Tom Newcomb and last but not least, Pat Conway.

So, until next month, let me remind you of the passing of Rush Limbaugh and the quote by William Shakespeare "I never wished anyone dead, but there are a few obituaries that I took GREAT PLEASURE IN READING."

So, until next month.

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba