Recent News

Retiree's Club


May 9, 2022

Well after almost 2 years of no meetings do to COVID, our first one back was not as bad as I thought it would be.   So, it’s a good sign that future will just get better.

Our next meeting will be again at Heroes West on May 24th at 12:00.  Anyone needing direction please call me at (cell 815-922-0197) or home (815-942-4662). Please try and attend this next lunch meeting do to the fact that we will have special guest.

See you on May 24 at noon at Heroes West.

So, until then let's give a GIANT LOCAL 265  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Brother John Morris, Brother Jerry Holohan, and Brother Terry Hahn.  Hope you guys have the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER AND COME OUT TO CELEBRATE WITH US.

See you on the 24th stay healthy.

Yours Truly,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba