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Retiree's Club


October 8, 2020

I hope this newsletter finds everyone healthy and in good spirts.  Our luncheon meetings will be postponed until this COVID-19 is eradicated and I do look forward to seeing you all and talking with you face to face. 

Well we are less than 30 days out from the next presidential election, remember to dump the TURD on November 3rd, that is if you haven't voted already. It our responsibility to help get this country moving in the correct direction.               

We need to remember the many  friends of ours on the ballot, Joe Biden, Pat Joyce, your good friend and mine  Judge Tom Kilbride, give Mr. Kilbride a vote of yes to retain the judge.  Working people need elected officials with our best interest at heart.  So, time is running out GET OUT AND VOTE.         

All of us at local 265 want to wish the BIGGEST AND BEST BIRTHDAY WISHES TO brothers Gerry Belt, Steve Bruno, Billy Bourke, Mike Kremm, Ronnie Metzka, Tom Mack, Gary Neverman, and to my apprentice instructor Dick Pemple, who one said to me, that he tried to teach me everything he knew, but it was hopeless and last but not least to our lovely friend Jackie Ward.  The best to you all.

And now I Leave you with these words of wisdom "Things I trust more than DONALD TRUMP"

  1. Flint Michigan tap water.
  2. gas station sushi.
  3. Bill Cosby as a bartender.
  4. Tom Brady putting air in my car tires.
  5. a shark with a pet my sign.
  6. a flu shot from Doctor Kevorkian
  7. a North Korean trail.
  8. a fart when I have diarrhea.

So, until next month, DUMP THE TURD ON NOVEMBER 3rd (Donald Trump)

Yours Truly ,

Alfie Rodriguez

Larry Shroba


Take a look at this article from July 31, 1969.... Time sure does fly