
SMART Constitution and Ritual

SECTION 10 — PORTABILITY OF LABOR/TRAVELERS SEC. 10(a). Members sent by their employers from the jurisdiction of one local union into the jurisdiction of another local union shall report to the office or to the financial secretary-treasurer, business manager, business representative, president or recording secretary of the local union in whose jurisdiction they are located.

Said members shall receive from their employers at least the established wage scale of the local union of which they are members and in no case less than the established wage scale of the local union in whose jurisdiction they are employed, plus all necessary expenses while employed in the jurisdiction of another local union, and shall otherwise comply with the established working rules and conditions of the local union in whose jurisdiction they are located.

Not more than two (2) members per job shall, at the request of the employer, leave the jurisdiction of the local union where the shop of the employer is located and enter the jurisdiction of the local union in which the work is to be performed for the purpose of performing such work.

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