SMART Support: Illinois Constitutional Amendment 1 is supported by SMART for how it would protect every worker's right to collective bargaining, unionization, and work place safety.
This amendment for the Illinois Constitution's Bill of Rights would empower workers with a strong voice to collectively bargain over hours, wages, working conditions, and workplace safety. In protecting workers' rights, this amendment would help to uplift middle-class families through the ability to negotiate for higher salaries and strengthen the economy through further job protections. Missouri, New York, and Hawaii currently have similar protections in their constitutions.
Ballot Language:
The amendment will read on the ballot as follows:
The proposed amendment would add a new section to the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution that would guarantee workers the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively and to negotiate wages, hours, and working conditions, and to promote their economic welfare and safety at work. The new amendment would also prohibit from being passed any new law that interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively over their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and workplace safety. At the general election to be held on November 8, 2022, you will be called upon to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution. For the proposed addition of Section 25 to Article I of the Illinois Constitution.
Amendment Language:
The following language would be added to the Illinois Constitution if this amendment is passed:
(a) Employees shall have the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing for the purpose of negotiating wages, hours, and working conditions, and to protect their economic welfare and safety at work. No law shall be passed that interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively over their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and work place safety, including any law or ordinance that prohibits the execution or application of agreements between employers and labor organizations that represent employees requiring membership in an organization as a condition of employment.
(b) The provisions of this Section are controlling over those of Section 6 of Article VII.

SMART Support: Tammy Duckworth is supported by SMART for her commitment to continued workforce development in helping to provide affordable career and technical education and access to good-paying, high-quality local jobs.
Served as a U.S. Senator representing Illinois since 2016; formerly served as a U.S. Representative representing Illinois from 2012-2016.
Iraq War Veteran, Purple Heart recipient, and former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Serves on the following committees and caucuses: Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis; Environmental Justice Caucus, Founding Co-Chair; U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee; Airland Subcommittee (Chair); Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee; Strategic Forces Subcommittee; U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works; Fisheries, Water and Wildlife Subcommittee (Chair); Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee; U.S. Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation; Communications, Media, and Broadband Subcommittee; Surface Transportaiton, Maritime, Freight, and Ports Subcommittee; Tourism, Trade, and Export Promotion Subcommittee; Aviation Safety, Operations, and Innovation Subcommittee; U.S. Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship.

SMART Support: Kimberly Lightford is endorsed by SMART for her initiatives to support working families, including multiple laws to gradually increase minimum wage.
Has served as the State Senator for the 4th Senate District since 1998, and currently serves as the Senate Majority Leader.
Currently active on the following committees: Assignments (Chair); Education; Executive; Higher Education; Labor; App-Education; App- Personnel and Procurement; Redistricting- Chi. West and W Cook (Sub-Chair); Executive- Cannabis; Executive- Government Operations (Sub-Chair); Executive- Special Issues (Sub-Vice-Chair).
Extensive experience as an advocate for quality education, quality healthcare, working families, and women's issues.

SMART Support: Emil Jones III is endorsed by SMART for his committment as a strong advocate to improve the lives of all his constituents.
Has served as the State Senator for the 14th Senate District since 2009, and currently serves as the Senate Deputy Majority Leader.
Currently active on the following committees: Licensed Activities (Chair); Energy and Public Utilities; Financial Institutions; Public Safety (Vice-Chair); Transportation; App- Business Regulations and Labor (Sub-Vice-Chair); Redistricting; Redistricting- Chicago South.
Son of former Senate President Emil Jones Jr.
Experience in public service as a member of the advisory board of the Divison Street Business Development Association and as an administrator at the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

SMART Support: Napoleon Harris is endorsed by SMART for his initiatves which work to keep children in school for future success.
Has served as the State Senator for the 15th Senate District since 2013, and currently serves as the Senate Majority Caucus Whip.
Currently active on the following committees: Insurance (Chair); Commerce (Vice-Chair); Energy and Public Utilities; Executive; Health; Pensions; App-Government Infrastructure; App- Personnel and Procurement (Sub-Chair); App- Revenue and Finance; Appropriations; Subcommittee on Public Health; Redistricting- South Cook County (Sub-Chair); Executive- Cannabis (Sub-Vice-Chair); Executive- Tobacco (Sub-Chair); Critical Energy Infra and Grid Rel (Sub-Co-Chair).
Earned his bachelor's degree in communications from Northwestern University and his post-graduate certifiate from Northwestern's Kellogg School of Business Management.
Prior to serving as a legislator, he played football at Northwestern and went on to play in the NFL, which lends to his experience in advocating for student athletes.

SMART Support: Elgie Sims is endorsed by SMART for his initiatives to create good paying jobs and economic opportunities.
Served his district as a State Representative from 2012-2018, and as a State Senator since 2018.
Currently active on the following committees: Appropriations (Chair); Criminal Law (Vice-Chair); Ethics; Judiciary; Public Safety; Revenue; Redistricting (Vice-Chair); Redistricting- Kankakee & Will; Redistricting- South Cook County; Judiciary- Privacy (Sub-Vice-Chair); Judiciary- Torts (Sub-Chair); Criminal Law- Clear Compliance (Sub-Chair); Criminal Law- Special Issues (Sub-Co-Chair).
Other priorities for Sims include his work to improve the quality of local schools, pass fiscally disciplined leigslaiton, and enact public safety laws to enhance safety in communities across the state.

SMART Support: Michael Hastings is endorsed by SMART for his support of working class families.
Has served as the State Senator for the 19th district since 2013.
Holds positions on the following Committees: Energy and Public Utilities (Chair); Education; Executive; Insurance; Judiciary; App- Agriculture, Envir. & Energy (Sub-Vice-Chair); App- Higher Education; Redistricting- South Cook County (Sub-Vice-Chair); Judiciary- Property Law (Sub-Chair); Executive-Consolidation (Sub-Chair); Critical Energy Infra and Grid Rel (Sub-Chair).
Honorably discharged from the U.S. Army after serving as a Captain in Iraq for 10 years with the Global War on Terrorism.
Experienced serving his community as a member of District 230’s Board of Education.
Majority Caucus Whip in the Senate and one of the youngest State Senators to be elected.

SMART Support: Laura Ellman is endorsed by SMART for her work to support a balanced budget for the state, which benefits all Illinois residents and businesses.
Other issues of importance to Sen. Ellman include: fighting governmental corruption to ensure fair elections, reducing educational inequality, and ensuring access for all students to affordable higher education.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 21st District.
Holds positions on the following Committees: Financial Institutions (Chair); Agriculture; Energy and Public Utilities (Vice-Chair); Higher Education; Transportation; App- Revenue and Finance (Sub-Chair); Redistricting- DuPage County (Sub-Vice-Chair); Sub on Next Generation Nuclear (Sub-Chair); Next Generation of Energy (Sub-Chair)
Over 25 years of experience in manufacturing and engineering, including her experience as an assessor at Argonne National Laboratory
Serves her community through her work with the Naperville Fair Housing Commission, Toastmasters, Habitat for Humanity, Feed My Starving Children, and as an ESL tutor.
Grew up in Hanover Park and has worked across the district in Lisle, Warrenville, Wheaton, and Naperville.

SMART Support: Suzy Glowiak Hilton is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to finding bipartisan solutions which serve communities across Illinios.
Other issues of importance to Sen. Glowiak Hilton include: fighitng for fair tax plans, working with local governments to lower the impact of property taxes and ensure schools have all neccessary resources for success, and preventing gun violence.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 24th District.
Holds positions on the following Committees: Commerce (Chair); Ethics; Licensed Activities (Vice-Chair); Tourism and Hospitality; Transportation; App- Criminal Justice (Sub-Vice-Chair); Redistricting- DuPage County (Sub-Chair).
Professional experience as a mechanical engineer and through the management of an engineering consulting firm.
Experience serving her community as a Village Trustee for Western Springs, member of the First Congretional Church of Western Springs, and member of the Recreation Commission.
Has lived with her family in the Western Suburbs for 25 years.

SMART Support: Seth Lewis is endorsed by SMART for his approach to creating bipartisan policies which support the growth of Illinois communities.
Currently serves as the State Representative for the 45th District.
Currently active on the following House committees: Transportation: Regulation, Roads; Labor & Commerce; Judiciary - Civil; International Trade & Commerce; Consumer Protection; Appropriations-Human Services; Wage Policy & Study Subcommittee; Civil Procedure & Tort Liability.
Experience serving his community as a baseball, football, and basketball coach, Board Member and President of Bartlett Little League, and Bartlett Fire Protection District Trustee.
Other parts of his platform include his commitment to financial responsibility, government transparency, ethics reform, and policies which support small business growth.

SMART Support: Karina Villa is endorsed by SMART for her support of immigrant rights and recognition of their value in the workforce.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
Equitable and adequate funding for schools to ensure a high-quality education.
Affordable and quality healthcare for all.
Protecting our natural resources to preserve the environment for future generations.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 25th District.
Active on the following Senate Committees: Agriculture; Behavioral and Mental Health (Vice-Chair); Education; Health; Pensions; App-Health (Sub-Vice-Chair); Sub. on Long-Term Care & Aging; Redistricting- Kane & Kendall (Sub-Vice-Chair); Redistricting- Northern Illinois; Redistricting- DuPage County.
Other experience serving her community as a State Representative, through the West Chicago District 33 Board of Education, and as school board vice president.
Has worked as a school social worker in the West Chicago and Villa Park school systems.

SMART Support: Maria Peterson is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to improve public safety.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
Working towards fairer taxing, responsible spending, and overall financial stablity for the state and local communities;
Strengthening laws to protect women's reprodudctive rights;
Boosting job training through partnerships with community colleges and labor organizations.
Earned bachelor's degrees in Criminal Justice and Organizational Communications from Loyola University and a law degree from John Marshall Law School.
Professional experience as an attorney at the U.S. Department of Labor where she fought for workplace safety and argued on behalf of coal miners during the Black Lung hearing.
Founder of FitCore, Inc., a women-owned fitness company.
Served her community as part of the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), the North Barrington Plan Commission, the Barrington Breakfast Rotary Club as past President, the League of Women Voters as Environmental Co-Chair, and as a 30-year member of Sierra Club.

SMART Support: Laura Murphy is endorsed by SMART for her working-class experience that has translated into real results for Illinois citizens.
Has served as the State Senator for the 28th Senate District since 2015.
Currently active on the following committees: Assignments; Executive Appointments (Chair); Commerce; Environment and Conservation; Executive; Financial Institutions; Higher Education; Labor; Local Government (Vice-Chair); App-Constitutional Offices (Sub-Chair); Appropriations; Redistricting; Redistricting- Northwest Cook; Executive- Elections (Sub-Chair); Executive- Government Operations (Sub-Vice-Chair).
Over two decades of experience in health care and social services management.
Experience serving her community as a former Des Plaines alderman.

SMART Support: Allena Barbato is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to legislation which promotes small businesses and workers' rights.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
Her promise to fight for women's health and reproductive rights;
Repairing our infrastructure through fiscally responsible measures;
Ensuring everyone has access to affordable prescription medications.
Instructor for Crisis Intervention Training for police officers and first responders.
Professional experience as an attorney in teaching alongside the State’s Attorney on drug prevention.
Served her community as a Lake Villa Trustee, sunday school teacher, and various philanthropic efforts with her church which benefit homeless students in Lake County.

SMART Support: Donald DeWitte is endorsed by SMART for his commitment to policies which promote job growth as part of a strong state economy.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 33rd District and Assistant Republican Leader.
Currently active on the following Senate committees: Revenue (Minority Spokesperson); Transportation (Minority Spokesperson); Behavioral and Mental Health; Commerce; Executive; Local Government; Pensions; Appropriations; App-Emergency Management (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); App-Government Infrastructure (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); App- Personnel and Procurement (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); App- Revenue and Finance (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); Redistricting- Chicago South; Redistricting- Kane & Kendall (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); Redistricting- N
Experience serving his community as the Mayor of St. Charles, as a St. Charles Alderman, and as the representative for Kane County on the Regional Transportation Authority Board.
Four decades of professional experience in the building materials industry.

SMART Support: Sue Rezin is endorsed by SMART for her work to establish local programs which provide technical training for students.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 38th District and Deputy Republican Leader. Previously served as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives.
Currently active on the following Senate committees: Education (Minority Spokesperson); Energy and Public Utilities (Minority Spokesperson); Human Rights (Minority Spokesperson); Executive; Health; Insurance; Subcommittee on Public Health; Subcommittee on Special Issues (H); Redistricting- Kane & Kendall; Redistricting- Kankakee & Will (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); Executive-Consolidation; Executive- Government Operations; Sub on Next Generation Nuclear.
Experience serving his community with multiple organizations: as a wish grantor and volunteer for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northern Illinois; as a Board Member and Vice President for the Community Foundation of Greater Grundy County; as a volunteer with the Edgar Fellows Program; as a member of a local school board; as a member of the Board of Directors for We Care of Grundy County; and as a Board Member on the Morris Hospital Foundation.
Professional experience as the co-owner and manager of her family's real estate company.

SMART Support: Patrick Joyce is endorsed by SMART for his support of working class families.
Platform: Other points of his platform include:
Improving the healthcare system for families in difficult situations.
Protecting our clean water supply from pollution, private water companies, and outdated plumbing.
Reducing class sizes to ensure high quality education for all students.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 40th District.
Works as a small business owner and fourth generation farmer.
Holds positions on the following Senate committees: Agriculture (Chair); Energy and Public Utilities; Health (Vice-Chair); Labor; Local Government; App- Agriculture, Envir. & Energy (Sub-Vice-Chair); Sub. on Long-Term Care & Aging (Sub-Chair); Redistricting- Kankakee & Will (Sub-Chair); State Government; Next Generation of Energy (Sub-Vice-Chair).

SMART Support: John Curran is supported by SMART for his approach to crating responsible budgetary policies which enable economic development across Illinois.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 41st District.
Experience serving his community as the Vice-Chairman for the DuPage County Board and as a member of the Board of Directors for the Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation.
Currently works as an attorney at a private law firm; Formerly worked for 19 years as an Assistant State's Attorney in the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.
Holds positions on the following Senate committees: Assignments (Minority Spokesperson); Ethics (Minority Spokesperson); Health; Healthcare Access and Availability; Higher Education; Licensed Activities; Insurance; Subcommittee on Medicaid; Appropriations; App- Agriculture, Envir. & Energy; App-Health (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); App-Human Services (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); Redistricting- Chi. West and W Cook; Redistricting- Kankakee & Will; Redistricting- South Cook County (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); Redistricting- DuPage County (Sub-Minority).

SMART Support: Linda Holmes is endorsed by SMART for her work to support high-quality, good paying jobs across Illinois.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 42nd District and Assistant Majority Leader.
First woman president of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.
Holds positions on the following Senate committees:Labor (Chair); Agriculture; Executive; Local Government; App- Business Regulations and Labor (Sub-Chair); Appropriations; Redistricting- Kane & Kendall (Sub-Chair); Redistricting- Northern Illinois (Sub-Vice-Chair); Executive-Consolidation.

SMART Support: Meg Loughran Cappel is endorsed by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and SMART 265 Local for many reasons, including her support for increased vocational training and her experience as a union representative for her teacher’s union.
Platform: Other major points of her platform include:
Lower property taxes and ensure schools are equitably funded.
Expand healthcare coverage for citizens in rural areas.
Protect pensions for hardworking Illinois citizens.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 49th District.
Active on the following committees: Behavioral and Mental Health; Commerce; Education (Vice-Chair); Labor; State Government; App-Education; App-Emergency Management (Sub-Vice-Chair); Redistricting- Kankakee & Will (Sub-Vice-Chair).
Gained experience serving her community as a union representative for her teacher’s union, a member of the Shorewood Chamber of Commerce, and as an Illinois Association of School Board Delegate.
Owner of Shorewood small business, Elite Driving School, with her husband.

SMART Support: Jason Barickman is supported by SMART for his work to address funding disparities in education across the state.
Currently serves as the State Senator for the 53rd District and Minority Caucus Chair. Previously served as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives.
Holds positions on the following Senate committees: Assignments; Executive (Minority Spokesperson); Redistricting (Minority Spokesperson); Energy and Public Utilities; Judiciary; Labor; Judiciary- Business Entities; Judiciary- Privacy; Redistricting- Chicago South (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); Redistricting- E Central & SE IL (Sub-Minority Spokesperson); Executive- Elections; Executive- Cannabis.
His platform focuses on education reform to ensure all students have access to high-quality education, policies to support economic development, and continued ethics reforms.
Professional experience as a a parner with Fairlawn Capital, an adjunct faculty member with Illinois State University, and as a business consultant with the telecommunications and technology industries.

SMART Support: Emanuel Chris Welch is endorsed by SMART for his commitment to creating jobs and improving education for residents across the state.
Has served as the State Representative for the 7th district since 2013 and is currently the Speaker of the House.
Previous experience in public service includes: 12 years on the Proviso Township High School Board of Educaiton, including as Board Chair.
Recognized for his legislative record as the recipient of the Zeke Giorgi Award from AFL-CIO and the Education Award from the Illinois Education Association.

SMART Support: Justin Slaughter is endorsed by SMART for the vast experience in public service he brings to his position and his support of high-quality, good paying jobs in Illinois.
Platform: Other points of his platform include:
Advocating for criminal justice reform.
Supporting the expansion on healthcare to address health disparities across all populations.
Leading efforts to enact education funding reform.
Has served as the State Representative for the 27th district since 2017.
Previous experience in public service includes: Legislative Coordinator for both the Offices of the Cook County Bureau of Administration and the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners; Former Policy Advisor for Governor Pat Quinn; Former Deputy Director at the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice; Former District Director for Cook County Commissioner Stanley Moore and Illinois State Senator Kwame Raoul
A native to Chicago, Rep. Slaughter still resides in and serves the district he was raised in.

SMART Support: Thaddeus Jones is endorsed by SMART for his support of businesses creating long-term, stable employment for workers.
Platform: Other points of his platform include:
Ensuring every child has access to high quality, affordable education and strengthening the community college system.
Spurring economic development and job creation, which attracts further business investment for the community.
Making neighborhoods safer through reforming gun legislation.
Has served as the State Representative for the 29th district since 2011.
Holds positions on the following committees: Insurance (Chairperson); Judiciary - Civil; Labor & Commerce; Prescription Drug Affordability; Minority Impact Analysis Sub.; Workforce Development Subcommittee; Special Issues (INS) Subcommittee (Sub-Chairperson); Family Law & Probate Subcommittee.

SMART Support: Nick Smith is supported by SMART for his commitment to serving his community and every person within it.
Has served as the State Representative for the 34th District since 2018.
Currently serves on the following committees: Economic Opportunity & Equity (Chairperson); Appropriations-Higher Education (Vice-Chairperson); Energy & Environment; Insurance; Prescription Drug Affordability; International Trade & Commerce (Vice-Chairperson); Clean Energy Subcommittee.
Previously served as the Chicago 9th Ward Streets and Sanitation Superintendent.

SMART Support: Debbie Meyers-Martin is endorsed by SMART for her support of working class families.
Currently serves as the State Representative for the 38th district.
Holds positions on the following committees: Appropriations-General Service; Appropriations-Higher Education; Cities & Villages; Economic Opportunity & Equity (Vice-Chairperson); Transportation: Regulation, Roads.
Experienced serving her community as a member of The South/Southwest United Way team, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus-Economic Development Committee, Environmental Justice Committee, a member of Prairie State College’s President’s Advisory Committee, and Community Relations Committee for both Country Club Hills and Olympia field.
Previously worked as the Community Affairs Marketing Specialist for the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office.
Served as the Mayor of Olympia Fields from 2010-2017.

SMART Support: Janet Yang Rohr is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to lowering taxes and making education more affordable in trade schools.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
Working to ensure high quality, affordable healthcare for all, including those with pre-existing conditions.
Fighting for women’s rights by protecting Planned Parenthood and demanding equal pay.
Moving towards a more sustainable environment by investing in green technology that creates more jobs.
Currently serves as the State Representative for the 41st District.
Active on the following committees: Appropriations-General Service; Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies; Financial Institutions; Insurance; Personnel & Pensions; Veterans' Affairs.
Experience serving the community as part of the Naperville District 203 School Board.
Holds degrees in English and Economics from Northwestern University and a Master of Business Administration in Finance, Accounting, and Entrepreneurship from the University of Chicago.

SMART Support: Diane Blair-Sherlock is endorsed by SMART for her Commitment to advocating for all members of the community.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
Reinvesting in the middle class.
Expanding access to affordable healthcare.
Creating more high paying manufacturing jobs.
Currently runs her own law practice, specializing in real estate and commercial law.
Experience serving the community through the Villa Park President's Commission, Advisory Council on Education, Advisory Council on Women's Issues, Illinois State Advisory Council on Education of Children with Disabilities, Villa Park Pride Commission, Board of non-for-profit Christian Day Care Center, and Youth Education Commission for St. Paul Lutheran.

SMART Support: Azam Nizamuddin is endorsed by SMART for his intent to bring good-paying jobs to Illinois.
Platform: Other points of his platform include:
Ensuring safe neighborhoods.
Strengthening public schools.
Providing accessible health insurance for all.
Professional experience as a lawyer, college professor, and small business owner.

SMART Support: Maura Hirschauer is supported by multiple union organizations for her support of affordable education at all levels and her commitment to furthering equity within the state.
Platform: Other highlights of her platform include:
Ensuring access to high-quality, affordable health care.
Holding herself and others in the state legislature to transparency for Illinois residents.
Common sense gun reform to create mental health programs in communities and supporting community violence prevention.
Currently serves as the State Representative for the 49th District.
Active on the following committees: Approp-Elementary & Secondary Educ; Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies; Prescription Drug Affordability; Child Care Access & Early Childhood; Housing Committee; Veterans' Affairs.
Serves her community as the President of Batavia Mothers’ Club Foundation and is a founding member of the Kane and Kendall County chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
Formerly worked as an elementary school educator.
Experienced in advocacy and activism through her work meeting with legislators to enact gun reform.

SMART Support: Barbara Hernandez is endorsed by SMART for her work in supporting technical training and education.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
The advancement of Illinois as a leader in technology through high-paying jobs in manufacturing.
Initiatives for police reform that address systemic racism.
Property tax relief for homeowners hit hard financially by the pandemic.
Current State Representative of the 83rd District.
Serves on the following House committees: Appropriations-Higher Education; Cities & Villages (Vice-Chairperson); Energy & Environment; Housing Committee; International Trade & Commerce; Local Government Subcommittee; Clean Energy Subcommittee.

SMART Support: Mary Morgan is endorsed by SMART for her plan to promote responsible management of Illinois taxpayer dollars.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
Protecting privacy rights for all people, including the ability for women to make decisions regarding their own body.
Providing a well-rounded education for children.
Implementing further gun safety laws to protect citizens.
Professional experience with Wauconda School District in the Curriculum & Instruction Office; previously worked in the wireless industry and at Motorola.
Earned her education from Northern Illinois University.
Raised in far western Cook County and resides in Island Lake with her family.

SMART Support: Michelle Mussman is supported by SMART for her commitment to creating jobs.
Slowing the growth of property tax increases and providing further relief to senior citizens.
Fighting Medicaid fraud and abuse to stop scammers from illegal use of the system.
Ending corruption in the state legislature and creating term limits for state politicians.
Has served as the State Representative for the 56th District since 2011.
Currently serves on the following House committees: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (Chairperson); Adoption & Child Welfare; Appropriations-Human Services; Energy & Environment; Mental Health & Addiction (Vice-Chairperson); Child Care Access & Early Childhood; Housing Committee; Special Issues Subcommittee.

SMART Support: Brian Meyers is supported by SMART for his commitment to protect the health and safety of Illinois residents.
Ethics reform in state government, ensuring fair elections and voting rights.
Public healthcare access and continued care to mitigate the pandemic.
Fighting climate change to protect the health of the environment and citizens from toxic polution.
Previously worked as a teacher for 21 years.

SMART Support: Suzanne Ness is supported by SMART for her platform that includes increasing infrastructure and access to services that connect citizens.
Platform: Other major points include:
Reducing the property tax burden for working class families around the state.
Improving accessibility to affordable healthcare for all Illinois residents.
Protecting the environment through a green energy infrastructure and clean jobs.
Currently serves as the State Representative for the 66th District.
Active on the following committees: Appropriations-General Service; Counties & Townships; Energy & Environment; Human Services; State Government Administration; Transportation: Regulation, Roads; Special Issues (HS) Subcommittee.
She currently owns a small business in her community.
She would bring her experience as a member of the McHenry County Board to the state if elected.
Her experience in connecting citizens stems back to her establishment of a non-profit that helps young teens to become strong leaders and mentors in their communities.

SMART Support: Peter Janko is supported by SMART for his commitment to fight for workers rights and prevent unfair labor practices.
Platform: Other major points include:
Lowering property taxes through school funding reform.
Enhancing consumer privacy through "Opt-In" rather than the current "opt-out" policies.
Expanding public transportation through increased infrastructure.
Experience serving the community on the Board of the Preservation Trades Network and on the McHenry County Historic Preservation Commission.
His family immigrated to Chicago when he was young as war refugees.
Professional experience includes his work in marketing research at Ernst & Young, as a product designer for Motorola, as a lead engineer for Scientel, and now as an entrepreneur with his own busiess, Lumenelle Lighting Restoration, Design & Mfg.

SMART Support: Jeff Keicher is supported by SMART for his commitment to improve the quality of life for local families through responsible policies.
Currently serves as the Representative for the 70th District.
Active on the following House committees: Appropriations-Higher Education (Republican Spokesperson); Immigration & Human Rights Committe (Republican Spokesperson); Transportation: Vehicles & Safety; Public Utilities; Financial Institutions; Water Subcommittee.
Experience serving the community as the President of the Sycamore Rotary Club, a Board Member for the Kishwaukee YMCA, as an Executive Board Member with the Sycamore Chamber of Commerce and the Sycamore Public Library, and a Board Member for the DeKalb County American Red Cross.
Professional experience as an insurance agent and entrepreneur.

SMART Support: Erin Slone is supported by SMART for her commitment to bring manufacturing jobs to the 79th district for increased economic development.
Platform: Other major points include:
Providing property tax relief while ensuring schools receive necessary funding.
Increasing the availability of vocational training and work-study programs.
Providing greater access to health screenings for chronic conditions and mental health services.
Experience serving the community as a Vilalge Trustee in Park Forest, a former member of the Junior League of Chicago, through South Suburban PADS, and as an Associate Board member of the 100 Club of Chicago.
Earned a Bachelor's Degree with Honors in Economics from the Unviersity of Chicago and a Master's in Integrated Marketing Communications from Northwestern University.
Professional experience includes her work in investment banking and the start of her own business consulting firm.

SMART Support: Anthony DeLuca is supported by SMART for his experience as a legislator in creating and voting for policies that benefit working families.
Has served the 80th district as the State Representative since 2009.
Currently serving on the following committees: Cities & Villages (Chairperson); Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT; Prescription Drug Affordability; Insurance; Local Government Subcommittee (Sub-Chairperson); Insurance Review Subcommittee (Sub-Co-Chairperson).
Experienced businessman and consultant.

SMART Support: Anne Stava-Murray is endorsed by SMART for her support of workers’ rights and collective bargaining.
Platform: Other points of her platform include:
Creating long-term financial stability by stabilizing the pension fund and adopting the graduated income tax.
Increasing health and safety by reducing gun violence and improving mental health care coverage.
Defending our democracy through campaign finance reform and criminal justice reform.
Currently serving as the State Representative for the 81st District.
Her previous experience includes serving as the Commissioner of the Naperville Board of Fire & Police and co-founder of the Naperville Women’s March Action.
Her work with the State House includes membership on the following committees: Approp-Elementary & Secondary Educ; Appropriations-Human Services; Immigration & Human Rights Committe (Vice-Chairperson); Judiciary - Criminal; Housing Committee; Museums, Arts, & Cultural Enhanceme; Citizen Impact Subcommittee.

SMART Support: Jim Durkin is supported by SMART for his work to support funding equity for schools across the state.
Currently serves as the Representative for the 82nd District and House Republican Leader.
Active on the following House committees: Energy & Environment (Republican Spokesperson); Health Care Availability & Access (Republican Spokesperson); Public Utilities; Judiciary - Civil; Appropriations-Public Safety; Utilities Subcommittee; Family Law & Probate Subcommittee.
Professional experience as an Assistant Illinois Attorney General, assistant Cook County state's attorney, and now as a lawyer in Chicago.

SMART Support: Matt Hanson is supported by SMART for his commitment to serve union priorities as a member and trustee for SMART Local 171.
Experience in serving the community through his previous roles as a Kane County Board Commissioner, Kane County Forest Preserve Commissioner, and Aurora Historic Preservation Commission, among others.
Currently works as a locomotive engineer for BNSF.

SMART Support: Stephanie Kifowit is supported by SMART for her work in fighting for veterans and seniors while in office.
Has served as the State Representative for the 84th District since 2013.
Currently active on the following committees: Veterans' Affairs (Chairperson); State Government Administration (Chairperson); Appropriations-General Service (Vice-Chairperson); Public Utilities; Revenue & Finance; Income Tax Subcommittee; Procurement Subcommitee (Sub-Chairperson); Water Subcommittee; Operations Subcommittee (Sub-Chairperson).
Notably a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, member of the Aurora American Legion Post 84, Fox Valley Marines, DuPage County Marine Corps League, and the Women Marine Association.

SMART Support: Dee Avelar is supported by SMART for her recognition of the high demand of skilled workers in Illinois and the need to provide affordable access to trade school training.
Platform: Her platform also includes:
Empowering veterans and providing them the support that they need.
Creating jobs that will employ communities and invest in the state’s infrastructure.
Expanding policies that provide clean water infrastructure and green energy.
Currently serves as the State Representative for the 85th District.
Active on the following committees: Appropriations-Public Safety; Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT; Health Care Availability & Access; Judiciary - Civil; State Government Administration; Transportation: Regulation, Roads; Family Law & Probate Subcommittee.
Experienced in serving her community through civic engagement efforts to encourage voters to head to the polls and advocating to increase the minimum wage in Springfield.
In her previous role with the Instituto Del Progreso Latino, she assisted over 400 people on their immigration journey.

SMART Support: Larry Walsh Jr. is supported by SMART for his experience as a member of the International Machinist and Aerospace Workers Union.
Has served as the State Representative for the 86th District since 2012.
Currently active on the following committees: Public Utilities (Chairperson); Counties & Townships; Energy & Environment; Health Care Licenses; Police & Fire Committee; Prescription Drug Affordability; Small Cell Subcommittee (Sub-Chairperson); Telecom/Video Subcommittee (Sub-Chairperson).
Previous experience serving his community includes his work as a former Trustee for Jackson Township and a member of the International Machinist and Aerospace Workers Union.

SMART Support: Harry Benton is endorsed by SMART for his experience as a third-generation laborer and his commitment to fight for unions and workers across the state.
Platform: Other points of his platform include:
Fighting for tax relief for middle class families.
Adding trade and vocational programs back into schools to ensure that all students have a chance to access the education necessary for a high paying job, even if they don’t go to college.
Transitioning to green energy to protect our planet for future generations.
Experienced serving his community as a board member with his Homeowners Association and Board Trustee with the Village of Plainfield.
Both sides of his family raised or are raising their families on union wages and benefits.
He spends his spare time volunteering for the community and helping neighbors in need.

SMART Support: Natalie Manley is supported by SMART for continued volunteer activity with Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Will and Grundy County while serving the state.
Has served as the State Representative for the 98th District since 2013 and is the current Assistant Majority Leader.
Currently active on the following committees: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies; Ethics & Elections Committee; Labor & Commerce; Police & Fire Committee; Business & Innovation Subcommittee; Workforce Development Subcommittee.
Previously a board member of CASA of Will County.

SMART Support: Tom Bennett is supported by SMART for his commitment to creating policies which support small businesses.
Currently serves as the Representative for the 106th District and Assistant Republican Leader.
Active on the following House committees: Approp-Elementary & Secondary Educ (Republican Spokesperson); Police & Fire Committee; Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies; Child Care Access & Early Childhood; Appropriations-Public Safety; Law Enforcement Subcommittee.
Experience serving his communtiy as a school board member, member and chair of a local pre-school board, member and chair of the Parkland Colelge Board of Trustees, chair fo the Illi nois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA), and chair of the Board of the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT).
Professional experience as a high school science teacher at Melvin Sibley and IT manager at State Farm Insurance.

SMART Support: Deb Conroy is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to accountability in government.
Currently serves as the State Representative for the 46th District and chair of the Illinois House Democratic Women's Caucus.
Experience serving her community as a former Elmhurst District 205 school board member and a member on the board for the Elmhurst Children's Assistance Foundation.
Strong advocate for bipartisan solutions, improved education for special needs students, and access to high-qualtiy health care.

SMART Support: Don Puchalski is endorsed by SMART for his support for strong labor and procurement policies, as seen in his assistnace in passing the responsible Bidders ordinance.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 1.
Professional experience as a partner at multiple law firms and as the Special Assistant Attorney General for the Illinois Department of Labor, where he prosecuted multiple civil cases under the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act and Illinois Minimum Wage Law.
Experience serving his community as a board member for School District 4, Addison Police Pension Board Member, Addison Township Republican Organization - precinct committeeman, and Addison township Trustee.
Active on the following County committees: Transportation Committee (Chair), Community Development Committee, Environmental Committee, Finance Committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, Redistricting Committee, and Ad-Hoc Collective Bargaining Committee (Chair).

SMART Support: Elizabeth Chaplin is endorsed by SMART for her financial responsibility and understanding of labor issues as the wife of an IBEW Local 701 member.
Appointed to the DuPage Water Commission in 2002, reappointed in 2004, served until 2010
Member of Downers Grove 100 Women Who Care
Served as President, Midwest Ballet Theatre
Currently serves as a Board member for District 2
Active on the following committees: County Board Chairwoman Pro Tem, Finance Committee – Chairwoman, Environmental Committee - Vice Chairwoman, Health and Human Services Committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, Legislative Committee, Public Works Committee, Redistricting Committee, Transportation Committee, Ad-Hoc Committee to Review County Board Rules

SMART Support: Paula Deacon Garcia is endorsed by SMART for her extensive experience in local government.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 2.
Professional experience as a former employee of the Village of Lisle in the Building and Zoning and Finance Departments, as well as a former Certified Floodplain Manager.
Experience serving her community as an advocate with the National alliance on Mental Illinois (NAMI DuPage), Chair of the Lisle Township Food Pantry Vegetable garden, volunteer with Public Action to Deliver Shelter, and pack elader with Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts.
Active on the following county committees: Intergovernmental Committee (Co-Chair), Development Committee (Vice Chair), Animal Services Committee, Community Development Commission, Finance Committee, Judicial and Public Safety committee, Stormwater Committee, and Ad-Hoc Fine Arts Committee.

SMART Support: Lynn LaPlante is endorsed by SMART for her support of good-quality jobs for DuPage County residents.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 4.
Professional experience as a classically trained violinist and violist, as well as a Principal violist with the Chicago Jazz Philharmonic.
Active on the following county committees: Community Development Commission (Chair), Ad-Hoc Fine Arts Committee (Chair), Environmental Committee, Finance Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Legislative Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Ad-Hoc Collective Bargaining Committee (Vice Chair), Ad-Hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

SMART Support: Grant Eckhoff is endorsed by SMART for his support of strong labor and procurement policies, as evidenced through his assistance in helping pass the responsible Bidders ordinance.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 4.
Professional experience as a lawyer and owner of his own law office.
Active on the following county committees: Animal Services Committee, Economic Development Committee, Finance Committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, Stormwater Committee, Technology Committee, Ad-Hoc Committee to Review County Board Rules, and Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB).
Experience serving his community through the following organizations: DuPage County Liaison for the DuPage Board of Directors; Board of Directors Member for DuPage Biz; DuPage County Liaison for the DuPage County Historical Museum Board of Directors; Director of the Downtown Wheaton Association; Vice President of the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; Committee Member for the DuPage County Fair & Exposition Authority; Federal Courthouse Committee Member; Chairman of the DuPage County Drug Court Subcommittee; Chairman of the 7 Percent Assessment Cap Subcommittee; Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Member; Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce Member; Downtown Wheaton Association Member; West DuPage Exchange Club Member; and St. Paul Lutheran Church Member.

SMART Support: Mary FitzGerald Ozog is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to the County and vast local knowledge as a 32-year resident of DuPage County.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 4.
Professional experience as the Vice President of Glenbard Township High School District 87, as a substitute teacher with multiple school districts, and as the Transportation Planner/ Project Manager for Metra and Chicago Transit Authority.
Active on the following county committees: Public Works Committee (Chair), Public Transit Committee (Chair), Transportation Committee (Vice Chair), Development Committee, Finance Committee, Intergovernmental committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, and Redistricting Committee.
Experience serving her community as part of the Village of Glen Ellyn Architectural Review Commission, President of the Glenbard West High School Choaral Parents Associatin, and Treasurer for the Friends of the Glen Ellyn Library.

SMART Support: Amy Chavez is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to policies which strengthen small businesses, connect citizens to vital healthcare services, and work to grow the local economy sustainably.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 5.
Professional experience as a Senior Territory Manager for Glaucoma Prevention for Allergan Pharmaceutical; Formerly worked with Wireless Networks Deployment and as a liaison for the Salt Lake City Olympics with Lucent Technologies.
Active on the following county committees: Economic Development Committee (Chair), Ad-Hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Co-Chair), Community Development Commission, Environmental Committee, Finance Committee, Intergovernmental Committee, Redistricting Committee, Technology Committee.
Experience serving her community as part of the Co-founder of We are ONE Naperville, as a Board member with Naper Hone & School, and as a volunteer with Washington Hone & School, Knights of Columbus - Intellectual Disabilities Drive, and World Relief.

SMART Support: Sadia Covert is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to enhancing public safety in DuPage County.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 5.
Professional experience includes: managing partner and attorney at Covert & Covert LLP; Executive Director and founder of UCARE; co-author to amendment for an Illinois hate crime law; legal experience with criminal prosecution, civil litigation, bankruptcy law, worker's compensation law, foreclosure, family law, and real estate law; teaches diversity and inclusion as a state certified law enforcement instructor.
Active on the following county committees: Strategic Planning Committee (Chair), Ad-Hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Co-Chair), DuPage Complete Count Committee (Chair), Development Committee, Finance Committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, Public Transit Committee, and Ad-Hoc Collective Bargaining Committee.
Experience serving her community as a Board member with Unity Partnership, Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of duPage county, as an Advisory Board member of MALA, past Secretary of Family Support Services to help women of domestic violence, and as member of Naperville InterFaith Leadership Alliance.

SMART Support: Dawn DeSart is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to transparent, responsible governance.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 5.
Professional experience as a five-time Emmy Award-winning journalist.
Active on the following county committees: Legislative Committee (Chair), Animal Service Committee (Vice Chair), Finance Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, Public Works Committee, Stormwater Committee, Transportation Committee, Ad-Hoc Committee to Review County Board Rules, and Ad Hoc Fine Arts Committee.
Experience serving her community as part of the following organizations: Board Member with the Indian Prairie School District 204; Democratic Precinct Committeeperson; Vice Chairman of the Wheatland Township Democrats; Fox Valley United Way Board Member; Campaigns and Candidates Team Leader for Act, Connect, Engage (ACE) Naperville; President of the Little Blessings Preschool Board; Girl Scout Leader.

SMART Support: Sheila Rutledge is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to inclusive, bipartisan policies which give a voice to all residents of DuPage County.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 6.
Professional experience as the owner of her own photography business, a real estate investor, and Winfield Township Precinct Committeewoman.
Active on the following county committees:Environmental Committee (Chair), Ad-Hoc Fine Arts Committee (Vice Chair), Animal Services Committee, Development Committee, Economic Development Committee, Finance Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Redistricting Committee, Technology Committee, and Ad-Hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Experience serving her community as a volunteer with the DuPage Forest Preserve District and a member of the Warrenville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

SMART Support: Greg Schwarze is endorsed by SMART for his extensive experience in public safety work to protect the lives of local residents.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 6.
Professional experience includes: Carol Stream firefighter, Carol stream Village Trustee, Wayne Township precinct committeeman, Carol stream Fire District Public Education Coordinator, and State-certified paramedic.
Active on the following county committees:Health and Human Services Committee (Vice Chair), Finance Committee, Intergovernmental Committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, Public Transit Committee, Ad-Hoc Collective Bargaining Committee, Emergency Telephone System Board (Chair), and the Heroin-Opioid Prevention & Education Task Force.
Experience serving his community on the Carol Stream Rotary Club, member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, volunteer with Carol Stream Christmas Sharing, and member with the Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce.

SMART Support: James Zay is endorsed by SMART for his support of strong labor and procurement policies, as evidenced through his assistance in helping pass the responsible Bidders ordinance.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Board Member for District 6.
Professional experience as the vice president of Service Stampings Illinois, Inc.
Active on the following county committees: Redistricting Committee (Chair), Stormwater Committee (Chair), Legislative Committee (Vice Chair), Community Development Commission, Finance Committee, Judicial and Public Safety Committee, Public Works Committee, Transportation Committee, Ad-Hoc Committee to Review County Board Rules, and DuPage Water Commission (Chair).
Experience serving his community as part of the following organizations: DuPage County Forest Preserve Commissioner; Wayne Township Trustee; Roselle Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; Illinois Manufacturing Association member; Precision Metal Forming Association member; Corpus Christi Church parishioner; Knights of Columbus with Corpus Chrisi Church; Carol Stream Travel Software/ Baseball Association President; and a Carol Stream Park District Youth Coach.

SMART Support: Jean Kazmarek is endorsed by SMART for her commitment to transparent and ethical governance.
Experience serving the community as a volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America
Resident of Glen Ellyn for 26 years with her family
Active community member engaging with the DuPage County Board, where some of her suggestions to the Board’s Ad Hoc Committee led to tangible action

SMART Support: James Mendrick is endorsed by SMART for his efforts to promote community development through the creation of vocational training programs, partnerships for community conservation, and assistance with programs to distribute meals to families in need.
Currently serves as a DuPage County Sheriff.
Professional experience in law enforcement as a patrol deputy, coporal, sergeant, lieutenant, major, administrative chief, and sheriff, in addition to his election to serve as the co-chair of Region 4 Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS).
As Sheriff, has led efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, distribute meals to thousands in need as part of the It Takes a Village program, partnered with 36 local police agencies to share resources as part of the Metropolitan Emergency Response and Investigation Team (MERIT), and doubled rehabilitation servies for inmates fighting opioid and other addictions.
Sheriff Mendrick aims to create a safer county through offender reform programs which reduce the rates of recidivism and empower partipants through workforce training.

SMART Support: Mary Mahady is supported by SMART for her commitment to responsible and ethical management of voter information.
Previously served within the McHenry Township Assessor’s office and the Board of Review.
Experience through her career in real estate and real estate assessment.

SMART Support: Amin Karim is supported by SMART for his intention to bring greater transparency, accountability, and efficiency to the position.
Platform: Other points of his platform include:
Investing in local banks to better support local businesses.
Updating the county website to improve transparency for residents.
Maintaining a balanced budget through cost cutting, reducing debt, and thoughtful investments.
A first generation immigrant, he came to the United States in 1980 as an undergraduate student.
Has resided in Crystal Lake for 20 years with his children and grandchildren.

SMART Support: Theresa Meshes is supported by SMART for her management experience and devotion to the community.
Experience serving her community as a current McHenry County Board Member, Fox River Grove PTO Board Member, Catechist for SS. Peter and Paul, and volunteer with Cub Scouts, children's soccer, and other community organizations.
Professional experience as a middle school and high school mathmatics teacher, as well as an accounts manager and liaison for a small business.

SMART Support: Michael Vijuk is supported by SMART for his extensive history in the county.
Experience serving his community as a church volunteer and current McHenry County Board Member.
Professional experience as a Professor Emeritus at Harper College.

SMART Support: Gloria Van Hof is supported by SMART as a 46 year county resident for her ability to bring insight to the role based on her history in the area.
Experience serving her community as part of the McHenry County Merit Commission, a member of the Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation, and board member for the Friends of McHenry County College Foundation Board.
Professional experience in multiple long-term care positions, including as a case manager, director of human resources, associate director, and licensed nursing home administrator.

SMART Support: John K. Collins is supported by SMART for the experience that his business ownership will cotinue to lend to the position.
Experience serving the community as a current McHenry County Board Member and through active engagment with the LCPL Johathan W Collins Memorial Fund and raising $100,000 to construct a new soccer field at Chrystal Lake South High School.
Professional experience includes over 35 years of management experience and over 16 years of business ownership.

SMART Support: Carolyn Campbell is supported by SMART for how her extensive community service experience lends to a well-rounded approach to solving community issues.
Experience serving the community as a current McHenry County Board Member, volunteer with the McHenry County Conservation District, volunteer with School District 47, member and liaison of the Fox River Ecosystem Partnership, member of the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, Executive Committee Member of the McHenry County Chapter of Green Drinks International, and Master Board Member award recipient of the Illinois Association of Park Districts
Professional experience includes serving as a McHenry County Conservation District Trustee, experience working in local government finance, and work as a registered securities representative with a non-profit organization.

SMART Support: Laura McGowen is supported by SMART for her primary focus on growing jobs within McHenry County.
Experience serving the community as part of the Amusement & Music Operators Association.
Professional experience as a communications coordinator with a non-profit organization.

SMART Support: Kelli Wegener is supported by SMART for her commitment to serving all populations of McHenry County.
Experience serving the community as a former treasurer for mulitple non-profit organizations, a coach for Let Me Run, organizing transportation for a Women's March in Chicago, as a Board Member for Home of the Sparrow, as a Board Member for the Community Foundation of McHenry County, as a Board Member of the McHenry County Democratic Women, as a founder of the McHenry Senior Tech-Connect program, as the District Five Chair for the Democratic Party of McHenry County, as a Member of the McHenry County Chamber of Commerce, as a member of NOW, and a volunteer for her local church and food pantry.
Professional experience as a Financial Administrator at the First Congregational Church, Project Manager at the Chicago Board of Trade Clearing Company, Bank Auditor at the Federal Reserve Bank, and accountant at Proprietary Trading firm.

SMART Support: Chamille (Cece) Williams is supported by SMART for her support of local education.
Experience serving the community through her engagement with local elections as an Election/ Technical Judge and volunteer service with local elementary schools.
Professional experience as a 3rd generation Army veteran, Solution Architect at Salesforce, public speaker with Salesforce, and graduate of McHenry County College.

SMART Support: Lou Ness is supported by SMART for her organizational experience as the leader of a non-profit.
Experience serving the community as a leader in public service.
Professional experience as the Cofounder of Forward Effect, a Vietnam war veteran, an ordained Deacon of the Episcopal Church, and a Fellow with the University of Illinois Leadership Institute.

SMART Support: Jack Kaskel is supported by SMART for his commitment to initiatives which support working families.
Experience serving the community as a volunteer steward for the McHenry County Conservation District, a board member of the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, and as an Election Judge.
Professional experience working with his wife as the operaters of Red Buffalo Nursery, a native plant nursery and natural areas restoration company which supports families around McHenry County.

SMART Support: Jessica Phillips is supported by SMART for her intention to promote initiatives which support children's safety in and out of school.
Experience serving the community as the youngest and first openly out LGBTQIA person elected to the McHenry County board, as the secretary for the Local Lake advisory Ad-Hoc committee, as the content director for the KASAL PAC, and a a member of the NOW organization.
Professional experience through her education, including a Masters in Public Administration, a Masters Degree in Business Administration, an Associate's degree in Paralegal studies, and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science with a minor law enforcement and justice administration.

SMART Support: Mary K O'Brien is supported by SMART for her vast experience in various legal issues.
Currently serves on the 3rd District Appellate Court, having served for nearly 18 years and heard more than 4,500 cases. Within this role, she also served on the Supreme Court Rules Committee, Legislative Committee, Appellate Court Access to Justice Committees, the Illinois Courts Commission, and the Lawyers Assistance Program.
Previously served as an Illinois State Representative in the 75th District, chairing the House Judiciary Committee on Criminal Law.
Prior professional experience includes practicing law at Cortina, Mueller, and O’Brien, as well as O’Brien and Smith, P.C. across a variety of specialties, working for former Attorney Generals, and serving the Grundy County State’s Attorney’s Office.
Active in her community as a volunteer with the Town and Country 4-H Club, Lion’s Club, Kankakee county NAACP, and AMITA St. Mary’s Hospital.

SMART Support: Chris Kennedy is supported by SMART for his commitment to ensuring equal access to justice for all residents.
Currently serves as a judge in the criminal division of the 19th Judicial Circuit Court of Lake County.
Previous professional experience includes his time as a lawyer and his career as a prosecutor with the State's Attorney's Office of Lake County.
Active in his community as a former school board member and advocate for children with developmental disabilities.

SMART Support: Sonni Choi Williams is supported by SMART for her extensive law experience both professionally and beyond her career.
Professional experience practicing law in Illinois for 23 years as the City Attorney for Lockport, Illinois, the Deputy Corporation Counsel, Senior Staff Attorney, and Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of Peoria, and the Assistant Public Defender for juvenile deliquency for the Tazewell County Public Defender's Office.
Professional leadership as the 3rd Vice President of the Illinois State Bar Association and a board member for the following associations: the Illinois Bar Foundation, the Asian American Bar Association of Greater Chicago, and the Korean-American Bar Association of Chicago.
Experience serving her community as a board member for Prairie State Legal Services, assisting in providing education for the Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education, and by serving as a Hearing Panel chair member on the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.
Recipient of multiple awards for her work, including as the Alumna of the Year from Northern Illinois University College of Law, the Illinois State Bar Association Diversity Leadership Award, the ISBA Board of Governors Award, and the Annual Achievement Award from the Illinois Local Government Lawyers Association.